Members and Guests
When was the last time you attended a candidate Meet and Greet and asked your candidate on their position regarding MLG’s plan to ram Electric Vehicles (EVs) down our throats starting with the showroom displays of 2025 ? Or that NM will start the transition to all EVs in 2026 (4 years from now) ? And that NM has signed on with California to ban Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) ?
So- If you are aboard the EV “train” relax and get ready for the ride.  But if you are not, you better start thinking about the impact to you and your family….And GET INTO ACTION    https://www.nmlegis.gov/
Collected various articles that will hopefully give you a good picture of where NM is headed…….+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Gov Grisham and California Newsome hand in hand……And your LC City Council and Mayor want to get you away from gas (cheaper) in order to ram down the Grisham and Heinrich Green Agenda. https://www.businessinsider.com/states-soon-ban-gasoline-powered-cars-trucks-california-2022-8

Under the proposed Clean Car Rule, manufacturers must deliver for sale and a person may register only California-certified vehicles unless they qualify for the exemptions described above. The rule includes provisions for mandatory reporting and enforcement. The manufacturers must submit annual reports to NMED to demonstrate compliance.

Under current laws, states are able to choose to either adopt California’s clean car standards or follow the federal requirements. The new rules state that seven percent of model year 2026 vehicles sold in New Mexico must be electric.   https://nmpoliticalreport.com/2022/05/06/new-mexicos-clean-car-rule-will-go-into-effect-july-1/Thursday’s vote means that, starting July 1, New Mexico will be following the standards set in California. It is the 18th state to adopt such rules.https://www.heinrich.senate.gov/press-releases/heinrich-statement-on-senate-climate-agreement-inflation-reduction-act-of-2022

  1. Or do you know LC is already going to EV (buses) ?  And EV for their fleet ?  As the city fleet begins the changeover to EVs, staff are determining how many chargers will be needed to adequately service the fleet, and where those chargers should be located in the city. The simplest chargers are $200 to $600, LaRocque said. Chargers that include recording devices and security features cost $3,000 to $5,000 each, she said.  https://www.lascrucesbulletin.com/stories/as-vehicles-become-available-city-incorporating-electric-cars-trucks-into-fleet,12210https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/2021/09/21/las-cruces-approves-4-1-million-contract-battery-electric-buses/5788231001/
  1. Read the article where El Paso Electric officials are asking customers to conserve power as the utility hit a new high for electricity consumption this week.  https://ms-my.facebook.com/LCSUNNEWS/posts/el-paso-electric-officials-are-asking-customers-to-conserve-power-as-the-utility/5779105338769401/
  1. New Mexico had the fourth lowest monthly electric bill ($99), the lowest monthly natural gas cost ($43), the sixth highest monthly gasoline cost ($229) and the sixth lowest monthly heating oil cost ($7).   https://www.lascrucesbulletin.com/stories/new-mexico-has-the-second-lowest-monthly-energy-bills-in-the-country,12449

  1.  New Mexico electric vehicle charger program targeting interstates, big cities..https://www.currentargus.com/story/news/2022/05/28/big-cities-top-priority-new-mexico-electric-vehicle-chargers-renewable-energy/9906740002/

  1. One council priority is ensuring homes can accommodate the charging of electric vehicles. Mayor Ken Miyagishima says the council should look into making charging capabilities a requirement for new construction.  “If they have the plug-in for electric vehicles, it sends a message every day that they see it. ‘Like, I wonder what these electric vehicles are about? Maybe I should just get one,’” Miyagishima said.  Miyagishima is also suggesting an increase in gas installation costs to incentivize electric use over natural gas. https://www.krwg.org/regional/2021-09-14/city-of-las-cruces-works-toward-net-zero-impac
  2. And of course, what would global warming be without our social justice warriors“I think everything we do moving forward has to have an anti-poverty lens,” Bencomo said. “Climate change is here, and it will disproportionately impact low-income families, low-income people, people of color. And so, whatever we do must have a very, very specific equity lens in it to ensure that low-income folks aren’t stuck with an outdated gas system in 20-30 years.”  https://www.krwg.org/regional/2021-09-14/city-of-las-cruces-works-toward-net-zero-impact
  3.   As illustrated, even when a range of electric prices are considered, natural gas prices are consistently two to three times lower than electric prices. – See more at: https://www.centerpointenergy.com/en-us/Services/Pages/natural-gas-electricity-cost-comparison.aspx?sa=mn&au=bus#sthash.dihuJold.dpuf

thank you


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