Holy Cow – Another One

RTLNM.ORG / WHAT WE DO / DONATEMy Favorite Right is Life! 
September 1, 2022
Hello Everyone, 
Holy cow, not another one, was my first reaction when I was told that another abortion clinic has opened in Northeast Albuquerque.
That’s right Alamo Women’s Health has just moved into the Bear Canyon Shopping Center, right across from First Christian Church on Montgomery just East of Eubank. The most notorious abortionist in the country has come from San Antonio Texas to set up shop. They may give Dr. Boyd some competition because they abort “fetal anomalies) which would mean this is late term abortion. 
One of our dentists is in that shopping center and First Christian was our church when our children were very young, before moving to Cuba. All I can think of is HELL NO! I know this doesn’t sound very lady like or even Christian, but I am fed up. We need to line the sidewalks of that place until the landlords drive them our. We cannot tolerate this. If we do nothing there will be one on every corner. We have a lot of signs if you would like to do this. 
 Thank you for all you do for the cause of life.

My Favorite Right is Life!
God bless,
Ethel MahargExecutive Director[email protected]505-881-4563


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