Media Hypocrisy at its Best !!

Mr D’Ammassa
I “felt” your indignation this morning at how Judge Jackson was treated by those “terrible Republicans”. I also read Ruben Navarrette’s comments in the ABJ yesterday at how badly this “woman of color” was treated.
I will assume you as well as Navarrete were just as appalled at how the last two SCOTUS were abused ?
As I wrote to Ruben,  I have no doubt he, like you spoke out against “Spartacus”  and his grandstanding or K Harris with her shrill and obnoxious method of interrogation or about the “star” of the Kavanaugh hit piece- Ford (couldn’t recall how she traveled from California to DC) or the assault by the media on Kavanaugh  and all the other circus and made up allegations of sexual harassment brought upon by the Democratic party as well as attacking Judge Barrett for her faith
Either way it is fascinating (and revolting) at the hypocrisy of the so called “media”.  Judge Jackson couldn’t define “woman” even though we have to “assume” she is a woman since Biden wanted a “black woman” nominee for the SCOTUS.  I dint see that in your article….

My best…..

​Juan D Garcia


Prayer Guide