Links: C19 Vacc, Natural Immunity, and Vit D

Hi friends,

Here are a few recent links about COVID-19 vaccines, natural immunity, and Vitamin D that may be helpful. Feel free to share this information with others.


  • Natural Immunity Lasts At Least 12 Months: – This study, published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, found that “SARS-CoV-2 antibodies persisted for up to one year after initial seropositivity, suggesting long-term natural immunity.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters for Young Adults: A Risk Benefit Assessment and Ethical Analysis of Mandate Policies at Universities: – This article by public health officials and epidemiologists, published in the BMJ Journal of Medical Ethics, concluded that “university booster mandates are unethical” and “may result in a net harm to healthy young adults.” The article urges “universities and schools to rescind all COVID-19 vaccine mandates.”
  • Supplementation with Vitamin D Reduces Risk of Catching COVID-19 and Reduces Mortality: – This new study of 663,000+ veterans shows that supplementation with Vitamin D2 and D3 reduces the chance of catching COVID-I9 by 20-28% and reduces mortality by 25-33%. Remember: Benefits of Vitamin D for COVID-I9 were well known 2+ years ago, but the mainstream media, FB, Youtube, and others purposely censored that information so it was not widely known.


I hope you find this information helpful. People who want to be added to my private email list can contact me at [email protected]. Let me know if you want to be removed from this list.

Thanks to the many people who send me this type of information to share with others!

Standing with you for truth,


–Sarah SmithLas Cruces, NMFree People of the Southwest (local)
New Mexico Freedoms Alliance (statewide)
National Coalition for Health Integrity (national)
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