Las Cruces Sun News (New Mexico)

From: Michael Potts <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 9:56 AM
Subject: Las Cruces Sun News (New Mexico)
To: <[email protected]>

Dear Sir,
     I wanted to write to you to complain about the lack of local content in OUR newspaper the Las Cruces Sun News.  You have more or less closed the office that has been open for YEARS here in Las Cruces, and the public is not allowed admittance.  The Editor of OUR paper does not even live in this city (Las Cruces, New Mexico) so I cannot understand how she (Jessica Onsurez) could understand the needs of the citizens of this city to have NEWS pertaining to this city reported.  We have NO Crime Statistics reported, we have NO Social news reported as to who may be getting married or having an Anniversary.  You don’t mind putting obituaries in the paper though, and sometimes they take up ALL of page 2, 3, and 4.  There is little to no reporting of what our County Commissioners do or our City Commissioners.  There is little to no reporting on any board meeting, be it the School Board or Elections Board or anything.       I am sorry to report this, but this paper (The Las Cruces Sun News) has turned into a piece of Crap.  We get stories from places like Albuquerque or from Colorado or Austin Texas but no local news that amounts to anything.  We get stories that have already been published in other papers that have absolutely NO MEANING for the citizens in the area.  
     YOU absolutely need to send someone here to evaluate what you are doing, and reevaluate the service you are really not providing to your subscribers.  Where are our Reporters?  Where are the advertisement people?  Where is the option of sharing our opinions with the rest of the city? 
     We find that if the news is of a LIBERAL / SOCIALIST view then we might expect it to be reported.  This is a Conservative leaning city though, and we get NO Conservative view point reported.  You MUST change the course of your lack of reporting in this area, and get back to reporting NEWS of this area that your subscribers eagerly await.     Like I said, in its current format and skimpiness, your paper is a piece of Crap!
Michael PottsCitizen at LargeLas Cruces, New Mexico


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