Dear County Manager Macias, BOCC Chair Chaparro, and BOCC Members: Thank each and every one of you for the personal sacrifices you make to SERVE THE CITIZENS of Doña Ana County! Below is the hot-link to today’s Dutch Sheets’ “Give Him Fifteen” Devotional, sharing the History of the Proclamation of The National Day of Prayer, which is approximately 15 minutes (hence the name!) in length. It is my fervent request that you take the time to listen to this information TODAY and learn why this National Holiday is so vitally important to our County, State and Nation. The National Day of Prayer is a day to set aside political rancor, your belief system or lack thereof, and truly come together as grateful Americans nationwide for the bounty we have been provided by God, but “To whom much is given, much is deserved.” (Luke 12:48, paraphrased) Chair Chaparro, as your constituent, I wish to thank you for your lone vote “NO” to amend the Proclamation, and your “YES” vote to hold the 2023 Commemoration on the North Lawn of the Doña Ana County Government Center, which is not “county” property at all, but the property of the county taxpayers whose blood, sweat and tears earned the money to purchase the land, build the building, and pay the operating and maintenance expenses, including the SALARIES of the folks working inside, known as “Public SERVANTS.” Thank you very much for your time and I hope to see you at tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. for the annual commemoration of The National Day of Prayer. May God continue to bless you, your families, our County, our State, and our Nation! Sincerely, Lisa F. Parrott 2494 Cherokee Circle Las Cruces, NM 88011-9024