Governor Lujan Grisham’s Town Hall
Although we have opposed much of what the Governor has done during her tenure, she demonstrated with the Bills she proposed for the special session and her comments at Thursday’s Town Hall that she is ready to work on the crime issues. No matter her motives, we need to take what we can get for better crime laws.
The Governor understands the competency issues, she recognizes that we cannot continue to allow “incompetent” repeat offenders to destroy their own lives and our community, and members of her own family have suffered horrifically at the hands of offenders in NM. The meeting lasted until almost midnight because the Governor allowed everyone to speak.
City Councilors Mattiace and McClure attended the Town Hall. However, as demonstrated in the below Progressive Manifesto, several of our City Councilors (Bencomo and Corran) are not willing to actually engage with the public, hear what people are experiencing, and challenge their own beliefs based on the evidence of what is happening in our community.
What the Governor is calling for is a way to get “incompetent” offenders into the treatment they need. It is NOT compassionate to allow people to continue destroying their own lives with drugs. But Councilors Bencomo and Corran apparently can’t move past their politicized talking points.
Message From the Chair
Capitalize on opportunities
For years, Las Cruces has been overwhelmed by a “blue political tide.” But we finally have a chance to push back. I am not a fan of MLG, but when she began holding the legislature accountable for ignoring public safety, I saw that she shared many of our frustrations. At last Thursday’s Town Hall, she echoed our sentiments.
The Governor’s validation of our concerns about local progressive candidates (incumbents) is an opportunity we can’t miss. The incumbents have consistently ignored and refused to support our small businesses that have been ravaged by crime. We must seize this moment to demand change. Candidates, don’t miss this chance to show your support for our community and our businesses and contrast your message with the progressives.
This billboard is not allowed by the Billboard company, but we can make an impact by posting it far and wide!
Message from the 1st Vice Chair