Open Invitation to Candidates

At CCIA, we dont support or endorse any one candidate.  We are not part of or associated with any political party.  
Instead, we provide a platform for those seeking public office to come and speak directly to and engage with the members and share their vision to make Las Cruces a better place. The voters will make their own decision.  ALL candidates are welcome. 
Our organization has a cross section of party membership, residency and ideology. Our common goal is improving our community.  We provide this platform because it is imperative citizens and leaders know and understand each other.  There are some tough issues impacting our community so there will be some tough but respectful questions. 
We meet every Thursday at 6 PM at the Kitchen Kraft.  Guest speakers are allowed about 30-45 minutes to present, ask for support, Q/A and anything else they wish to say or do. 
Should you be interested, pls let me know soon so we can discuss scheduling. 
Thank you

Juan D Garcia


Prayer Guide