LCPS Wants to remove SROs- Write your School rep


Cciawinusa'<[email protected]>Star message09:25Sunday, September 17th, 2023 at 09:[email protected]@lcps.netCCTeresa Tenorio<[email protected]>Pam Cort<[email protected]>Carol Cooper<[email protected]>

I just read the Sun News article which explains why Mr Wofford and Nolan are against the SROs.  
 “The amount of citations seems astronomically high for 10 schools,” said Patrick Nolan, a board member, said at the meeting. “That’s like a citation a day at each [school].”In reference to this quote by Mr Nolan- if he thinks these citations are too many, then what is the number that he will accept ? 
LCPD Lt. Joy Wiitala, who gave the presentation to the board, clarified by saying those incidents were inclusive of situations in and out of school involving students and families. Incidents ranged from serious assaults and weapon possessions to traffic crashes, theft, and drugs.

You have a violence and drug problem in the schools.  You know that. What LCPD is doing is identifying and citing these problems.   It seems to me  the reason you are concerned over the high number of citations reported is because you dont want to accept the reality that we have a problem.
Please retain the SRO program as it currently is and focus on addressing the issues that are a bleed over of the crime and drug problem plaguing this community.  
Thank you
Juan D Garcia


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