Jack of Hearts Hearing -ALL HANDS


Thurs, Oct 12th @ 4:15pm

1) Public comments/speakers are now only allowed for those who register the day of the event. This is a last minute change by LCPS. Therefore, the pre-list that was submitted earlier is no longer valid.

2) This means, if you would like to speak, you have a chance to do so by getting there early and putting your name in.

The opposition will likely make a strong presence. We encourage as many people as possible to sign up early to speak to ensure that our side has good representation in the public comments.

3) Depending on how many people sign up to comment, they may reduce speaking time to only 1 minute. They will cap the number of speakers at 30.

4) There is no precedent for this type of book challenge. CCIA’s demeanor and presentation must be in line with who we are as civil, bi-partisan, color, gender identity blind concerned citizens.


  • We need to make sure that we are NOT coming across as anti-gay or anti-trans.
  • Stay on message- It would be counterproductive to be quoting the Bible or otherwise referring to religion in your comments. Mentioning Marxism or communism would also be counterproductive.
  • Wear your CCIA attire-we need to identify as the local champions for parental rights.
  • Presentation will be verbally graphic -don’t bring your kids


  • Don’t engage with agitators- verbally or physically. They want to bait you…
  • If the media interviews you, the issue is age appropriateness.
  • Always be respectful- we will be under the microscope.
  • We can’t instigate or initiate interruptions- Don’t give them a chance to shut us down.
  • Feel free to applaud our line up speakers and show your support

Questions, contact Sarah, Julie or Juan…


Prayer Guide