CALL TO ACTION: City’s Zoning Code Update will HARM Businesses

Dear Las Crucens,

Although there are many improvements in the newly revised zoning code proposal, it still severely limits how much parking businesses are allowed to have.

Will you please submit a written comment about the new code? See below for more information and potential talking points.

REVISED Zoning Code Proposal

A newly revised version of the Las Cruces development code has been released. Improvements in the new draft include:

  • No longer allowing cannabis dispensaries, bars, restaurants, retail stores, or grocery stores in some of the neighborhood districts (the previous version would have allowed cannabis, bars, etc with no buffer in residential neighborhoods)
  • Added provisions for allowing livestock/animal keeping in the more rural/less dense housing areas (the previous version neglected to allow any livestock keeping at all)
  • Restricting apartment complexes to specific neighborhood districts unless there is a Special Use Permit (the previous version would have allowed apartments in all neighborhoods)

However, there continue to be issues with the proposed changes to the parking code.

With the way the code is currently written, businesses will not be allowed to have enough parking for their customers. This will be especially problematic for restaurants and bars.

For instance, a mid-sized 3000 square foot restaurant could have 100-120 customers with ~20 staff, yet they’d only be allowed 15 parking spaces, which would not even be enough for their employees.

NOTE: City Council is having a work session about this new proposed zoning code on Monday June 24 at 1pm.


Please submit comments here :

Scroll down if you need more info or potential talking points. Please be respectful in your communications for the maximum positive impact.

Make sure to Click on the box that says “3 Zoning Regulations” and then you will be able to make your comment.

NOTE: The comment form only allows short comments. Feel free to LEAVE MULTIPLE COMMENTS in order to make your voice heard.

  • There will now be a cap on how large parking lots can be at businesses. (Existing businesses would be grandfathered in.)
  • The required minimum number of parking places has been reduced for many types of businesses.
  • Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is 20 or less, no more than 50% over the minimum of parking spaces will be allowed.
  • Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is over 20, no more than 10% over the minimum of parking spaces is allowed (unless there is a parking demand study and approval up to 50% additional parking by the Community Development Director).
  • If you want to see what minimum parking is allowed for different types of businesses in more detail, click the Blue button above to download the draft code and look at pages 196-204.


Here are some potential talking points about the updated proposed Zoning code. Please do NOT copy-paste these verbatim. Your communications will be most effective if you add in your own words as well. Please be respectful to make the most positive impact.

  • Thank you for listening to the community’s concerns by ensuring we will not have retail, restaurants, bars, and cannabis in some neighborhood zones.
  • Please do not add in a parking lot size cap. Businesses need to have the flexibility to determine their own parking needs.
  • As written, the maximums imposed for parking will make it impossible for restaurants and other businesses to operate sustainably.


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