Denial of NDoP at DACC


Commissioner Schaljo
I am disappointed but not surprised at what appears to be your arrogance when you pushed to disallow the National Day of Prayer event originally planned to be held on the lawn of the County Building.  It was interesting to watch the video of you looking down on Mr Wendler and “telling him he couldn’t do it”.  Even though it was approved last year. 
Perhaps you despise Christianity, God or maybe you just despise religion in general.  Dont know.  Your explanation was very weak. 
I do hope all those citizens who planned to participate in the event originally scheduled on the grounds of the County Commission and planned to visit, Salud de Mesilla, your establishment afterwards, find an alternate place to eat that is more friendly to them. 
Commissioner Chaparro
Thank you for your stand against this travesty from Commissioner Schaljo. 
Thank you,12526

Juan D Garcia


Prayer Guide