Addressing the LCPS Supt

Dear Superintendent Ignacio Ruiz,
I am requesting that you be a strong leader and decide to remove the book Jack of Hearts and Other Parts from Mayfield High School Library.
My good friend just reminded me of this:”We had several administrators from LCPS get charged with hard core child sex abuse over the last few years. The book Jack of Hearts and Other Parts at Mayfield High School is basically trying to normalize what we put their administrators in jail for.”
Sadly, in mere seconds a quick internet search will verify this to be true.
I will remind you again that my husband, Thomas H. Hogan, attended the LCPS book hearingl which parents were not made aware of. My husband said as a Warden of one of the largest Correctional facilities in the Northeast, he never would have approved this book for the prison library.
I would appreciate your response to this request.
Beverly A. Hogan


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