Hello Juan and all: Synopsis of the meeting yesterday, here is their webpage: Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Albuquerque: http://www.abcnm.org/Apprenticeship/Apprenticeship-Programs
Meeting at 10:30 Mar 1, 2022 at LC Homebuilders on N. MainClaude Sapien, an ABC coordinator for southern NM, initiated the meeting and introduced the Staff from the Albuquerque ABC, for their presentation.Also in attendance was Rebecca Dow (candidate for gov), she gave a short recap on her history with ABC – Albuquerque.
Quick recap: 25 attendees. There are currently 7 Different Trades. There are 211 active apprentices (mostly Alb), 104 are electrical at this time. In Las Cruces, Metalcraft is training their own workers in-house but only their workers.The Employers/Builders must pay the $1700 per semester tuition per worker, but the State/Fed will reimburse about 60-75% back to the employer. Apprentices to “graduate” period can be 4 years. All apprentices must have High School diploma/GED by the time they finish the program.
Several contractors received pamphlets/material, ABC can be contacted directly Alb. Office, and keep Mr. Sapien in the loop.This apprenticeship program (ABC) is similar to Union apprenticeship programs, but funded privately/by industry.LCPS seems to be taking Trades more seriously. Somehow this might be beneficial.
Rick Reynaud