Call to Action: NM, Stand up for your 2nd Amendment Rights!

Friends in Bernalillo County: This is a SEPARATE Call to Action than the one we sent you last night, which covers actions happening TODAY in Bernalillo County. 
Dear Freedom Lovers in New Mexico,As you know by now, the New Mexico Governor last Friday issued an Executive Orderwhich declared a State of Emergency in Bernalillo County, banning gun carry for 30 days. Story on KOB here.

This is a clear violation of our 2nd Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution. If we accept this, what next?

Freedom and information thought leaders all over the country are watching and reporting on this because this is a first in the U.S. If it flies here, it will likely move on to other parts of New Mexico and the U.S. So, how we stand up now for ourselves and our state is also a service to our country. An unarmed population is much easier to control. We don’t want to be an unarmed population!

There are two events happening in Albuquerque Tuesday9.12.2023, including a rally and a Bernalillo County Commission meeting where an ordinance will be submitted that protects all Constitutional rights.

(We sent a separate email with details of those two events to the Albuquerque unMasked email list last night. Those two actions are the highest priority today for people in Bernalillo County.)

What can people who love Freedom, in other parts of New Mexico, do to support and help?

Our partners at Better Together New Mexico have created a Call to Action to tell the Governor and our state law and policy makers that our 2nd Amendment Rights are NOT THEIRS TO REGULATE.

1. Please take 2 minutes and go HERE to stand up for your 2nd Amendment Rights now!

This will allow you to send a QUICK-AND-EASY email to MLG and your state legislators.

2. Whatever your spiritual beliefs or tradition, please also send love, prayers, and good wishes to the people in Bernalillo County who are taking action for all of us today.

And for those attending these events from Bernalillo County, we also believe it’s beneficial to intend for the highest, best outcome and safety with prayers.

Thank you for standing to protect freedom for all of us!
Karen Larré, Sarah Smith, and Melanie Rubin

New Mexico Freedoms Alliance and
National Coalition for Health Integrity


Prayer Guide