Abortion Clinic Coming to LC…..

LATEST UPDATE: https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0gR8Iq2X?pd=02TdoMf0&lang=en_US&s=i0

Latest info on plans for LC.



This link references HHS supporting for a full push to keep facilitating abortions.



This gov link gives you all you need to know about “your rights to abortion”.


This link from the site above tells your 15 or less daughter where to find a clinic and how to avoid having to tell her parents.


Plug your zip code in NM and select < 15. tp give you all the info you need.


The attachments at the bottom are billboards currently on I10 W on or around Mesquite south of LC.


Members and Guests
If I read the article correctly, we will have a new business in LC very soon.  
Following the decision, the clinic has confirmed to KOB 4 that it is moving operations to a new building in Las Cruces as early as next week.

Please note Councilor Bencomo’s comment regarding her push to have a thriving abortion clinic right here in LC.  https://kvia.com/top-stories/2022/06/25/mississippis-lone-abortion-clinic-to-move-to-las-cruces-in-wake-of-roe-v-wade-overturn/
If you really want to push against this new “business” we have to mobilize very quickly and let the City Council and local elected leaders know where we stand…..Every single one of you on this email should write your councilor today and express your sentiments.

I sent the below email to all the councilors, mayor and commissioners. 

​Juan D Garcia
Coalition of Conservatives in Action (CCIA)


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On Tuesday, June 28th, 2022 at 20:09, cciawinusa <[email protected]> wrote:

Councilor Bencomo
Your comment as quoted in http://kvia.com/top-stories/2022/06/25/mississippis-lone-abortion-clinic-to-move-to-las-cruces-in-wake-of-roe-v-wade-overturn/ is plain morbid and heartless.  How can you and so many others like you want a “thriving business” where innocent lifes are “terminated” on demand up until near birth?   Are innocent lifes a “commodity” terminated or discarded for “good business”.
First you and the council push and support the growth of marijuana businesses under the guise of “recreational” and now encourage the “termination” of innocent defenseless life under the guise of “reproductive health”.  Other than in isolated cases of rape, incest or to save a mother’s life, where is the personal responsibility to avoid an unwanted  pregnancy  ?
Are you saying, the business should abort as many as they can to “thrive” ? What is the criteria for a “thriving business” ?
Bencomo stated that she hopes anyone visiting the City of Crosses for their medical needs, as well as new providers who may move into the state “will become part of [the] community,” and “build the relationships necessary in [the] communityin order to have a thriving abortion clinic.”

We all know the reason the governor pushed her executive order was to protect and encourage this business of legalized death to “thrive” in NM. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-mexico-shields-abortion-providers-ahead-expected-patient-surge-2022-06-27/

Soon, we can all be proud of Las Cruces “where you can come and terminate an unborn life and get stoned while you are here” !!!!Concerned…..

Juan D Garcia


Prayer Guide