Heinrich More Worried about Bumblebees and Getting Big Bucks from the Solar Energy Sector but Ignore High Cost of Fuel


Senator Heinrich continues to avoid addressing the cost of fuel (NM AVG today 4.83) but supports numerous politically favorable causes like forcing us to transition to electric cars by opposing favorable regulations supporting fossil fuel, giving away tax payer funds for tuition, gun control, etc….” will be able to experience the same rich and abundant American wildlife — from bumblebees to bison — that we have been so lucky to grow up with,’ Heinrich said and see who Heinrich’s master is…

Call his office and remind him we are suffering financially due to his and Brandon’s opposition to the oil industry which severely impacts the cost of fuel and food. To represent ALL of NM not just his Eco friendly masters. 202-224-5521 and 505-346-6601.

Lujan made a public statement against the January 6 protest but ignores his constituents who need financial relief.

Lujan 202-224-6621


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