KTAL & TU LUZ INTERVIEWS: Referendum Bills on PARENTAL RIGHTS & Transgender Care

Dear Las Crucens,There were recently two local interviews about the Referendum Project, and why we are challenging laws that allow transgender and abortion care without parental consent as well as laws that undermine the security of our elections.   In case you are interested, here are links to the two interviews. KTAL Progressive Radio InterviewJoan Scherer (CCIA) and I had a 1-hour interview on KTAL radio. This interview was hosted by Peter Goodman (who is a attorney and municipal judge), with Daisy Maldonado.KTAL is a progressive radio station, and the other guest on the show was Abraham Sanchez from Progress Now NM (which is a progressive activism organization). YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW HERE 👇👇👇: https://www.lccommunityradio.org/archives/speak-up-las-cruces-the-referendum-project
Tu Luz Spanish/English InterviewTu Luz is a Spanish radio station that hosted a 1-hour interview about what is happening in NM schools and how we are challenging these bad laws.  I was interviewed by Pastor Andy Ramirez, with Susana Tapia Harper acting as interpreter.   YOU CAN WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE 👇👇👇: https://www.facebook.com/tuluzradio/videos/1262457844638047 
Overall, I think these interviews went well and am hopeful that we reached a different audience with our message. IF YOU HAVEN’T SIGNED THE REFERENDUM PETITIONS YET, they are available to sign Tues-Fri from 9:30am-4:30pm at Kitchen Kraft (980 N Telshor Blvd, Las Cruces).  Or, go here to find petition signing locations in other counties: https://bettertogethernewmexico.org/the-referendum-project-county-events/ Standing strong for the welfare of NM’s children,Sarah Smith 


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