From: Sarah Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 8:50 AM
Subject: mask meta analysis
Dear Mayor Miyagishima, City Councilors, and City Manager,I wanted to share with you a recent meta analysis published in the Frontiers in Public Health journal. Meta-analyses combine the results of multiple studies and therefore allow researchers to make more-robust conclusions about an overall body of research.
The meta-analysis found that masks cause headaches, dizziness, reduced blood oxygen, increased blood pressure, and skin problems. The researchers concluded that “mask wearing should not be mandated let alone enforced by law.” Screenshots of the study are below for your reference.
This further corroborates the experience of numerous Las Crucens who suffered harm as a result of you choosing to enforce the Governor’s mask mandates, including school children. On a personal note, I found early on that mask-wearing led me to feel dizzy and faint. Then, for nearly two years, I had to shop in fear of either passing out or being accosted for not wearing a mask. I was chased out of stores and some customers screamed at me and insulted me (even in front of my children) on multiple occasions while trying to buy groceries for my family. My children suffered headaches from masks and were then discriminated against and not allowed to enter the library here in Las Cruces. I know many others who also suffered because of the mask mandates, including children who were denied education and people who have been denied medical treatment for nearly 3 years because they could not wear masks.
I hope you will take this information seriously and ensure that you never again support such over-reaching mandates on the citizens of Las Cruces.
–Sarah SmithLas Cruces, NMFree People of the Southwest (local)
New Mexico Freedoms Alliance (statewide)