NMFA August Mtg Summary

8/28 MEETING SUMMARY Top Concerns Heading into 2023-24 School YearPotential return of mask and vaccine mandatesTransgender affirmation in schools and indoctrination of both students and teachersLoss of parent rights in schoolsInappropriate books in schools Discussion about Potential Mask MandatesSome teachers indicated that they will leave the school system if the mask mandates, testing mandates, or vaccine mandates are re-instituted. The NM school system has already lost many valuable teachers as a result of the prior mandates. As a proactive strategy, it may be beneficial to remind the NM PED and school boards about the harms that occurred previously due to mask mandates, including children’s learning and development being delayed, children and teachers suffering from mask-induced health problems, mental health, etc.Todd Reed discussed multiple angles for taking legal action against any mask mandates at the local school districts.Mass non-compliance was discussed as a strategy that may be necessary to employ in the event of any mandates.  Inappropriate Books in SchoolsA parent shared that her daughter was exposed to inappropriate reading material in reading assignment at a Santa Fe public school, including information about pedophilia. An inappropriate book in a Las Cruces high school is being challenged with a formal book complaint. The books contains very graphic sexual content that is not age appropriate for school children. Per district policy, a book review committee must now be assembled to assess whether the book is appropriate. There are state and Federal statutes against exposing children to inappropriate content.  Parents’ RightsIn New Jersey, the Attorney General has filed 3 lawsuits against local school boards that have enacted parents’ rights policies. The parents’ rights policies were put in place to ensure that parents are informed about transgender matters relating to their children.  The Attorney General is trying to stop these policies.  It will be important to watch the outcome of these lawsuits for potential applicability to other states.Similar issues are happening in California, with the state taking legal action against specific school districts who have tried to protect parents’ rights. Potential LawsuitCasey and Myke Petersen (from Freedom Families United) are working to hold NM school districts and the NM Public Education Department accountable for the harms that are occurring in New Mexico’s schools.  They are looking for parents, students, and teachers to join in legal action.  They already have attorneys ready to move forward but need plaintiffs who have suffered harms such as the following:    —children given access to transgender care without parental involvement    —families bullied by the school or district    —bathroom assaults, sexual assaults, or other bathroom incidents    —teachers being instructed to lie to or hide information from parents     —teachers being instructed to teach inappropriate content to children Plaintiffs would not have to pay to get involved in this legal action.  Contact Casey and Myke at:    —website – FreedomFamiliesUnited.com    —email – [email protected]    —phone – 505-405-1776
Standing with you for the health and well-being of NM’s children,Sarah


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