After this morning’s Pastor Pettit-led prayer event at the Las Cruces School Board, we thought it a very good follow-up opportunity to be at the upcoming City Council meeting.
What and Why: Prayer for Las Cruces City Council, Monday June 06, 12:30 pm. Attendance is all that is needed to provide positive support by praying for guidance and wisdom for our City Councilors and Mayor.
Where: Las Cruces City Hall front steps, 700 North Main Street. Prayer meeting at 12:30 followed by the City Council Meeting at 1:00 pm.
Who: Community Faith leaders, CCIA members (wear T-shirts, Colors) and all citizens. Pastor Pettit is the de-facto leader. City Council Meeting will follow at 1:00 pm: We will have speakers commenting on issues to include: Veteran’s ability to be LC Police Officers, protecting Pregnancy crisis centers, local crime, homelessness. We are hoping the Home Builders Association and business community will be there as well.
V/R Rick Reynaud