The Citizens of Las Cruces Judging from City Manager Pili’s statements in the Sun News taken from the recent faith/homeless meeting he has no plan to “Lift Up Las Cruces” beyond the City Council’s plan to elevate the poor through a form of socialism that they are promoting. If one wants to improve the poverty situation anywhere it is done by offering opportunities that provide pathways out of poverty, not paving streets, putting up street lights and offering free haircuts. Pili helped bring in opportunity to his former city in Utah so why is that not his focus today? Answer: because he was hired and can be fired by our City Council if he is not in line with their program that keeps Las Cruces in poverty, unhealthy, uneducated and on the government dole. As it stands, the only two growth businesses we have are Recreational Cannabis and coming soon to go along with all our urgent care facilities, abortion clinics combined with a lodging industry that can help with the out of state travelers. Maybe that will be the boost we need to get scheduled air service into Las Cruces? Rob Wood Mayor’s Homeless Task Force L.C. Airport Advisory Board Chairman 2011-2018 575-635-0803