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Crime & Public Safety Town Hall with Governor Lujan Grisham
@ Las Cruces Convention Center (680 E University Ave)
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SarahJuly 15, 2024Action Alertby Sarah Smith Dear New Mexicans, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is calling the legislature into Special Session on July 18th to focus specifically on crime bills.  Although we haven’t agreed with most of what the Governor has done, this is one time when we are alignment, as the Bills she is proposing (described below) have the potential to help our situation with repeat offenders and high crime.  Will you please give 2 minutes to send an email to all NM legislators to urge them to collaborate to make the special session a success?   GO HERE to easily email the legislators: NOTE: Your email will be even more effective if you CHANGE THE SUBJECT LINE so it will stand out in the legislators’ email inboxes. ABOUT THE CRIME BILLS Here is a summary of some of the crime Bills being proposed by the Governor.  COMPETENCY BILL – This bill requires judges to order district attorneys to consider filing for involuntary commitment of criminal defendants if their competency is in question and gives the judge the ability to detain the defendant for up to seven days to initiate the petition. The judge would be required to hold the defendant for up to seven days and the DA is required to file a petition for involuntary civil commitment under at least one of the following three circumstances: Serious violent offenseA felony involving the use of a firearmDefendant has been found incompetent two or more times in the previous 12 months INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT – This bill would broaden the definitions of danger to self and danger to others in the involuntary commitment statue. FELON IN POSSESSION – This bill would upgrade the regular felon in possession of a firearm in the commission of a crime law from a third degree to a second-degree felony. It would also establish a new mandatory minimum term of nine years imprisonment for this offense. (Current law provides for “up to” a three-year for regular offenders). The bill would also change the serious violent felon in possession sentence from third to second degree felony with mandatory 12-year prison sentence. (Current law provides for an up to nine-year term). MEDIAN/PEDESTRIAN SAFETY – This bill would make it illegal to loiter on a median 36 inches or narrower in areas where the speed limit is 30 mph or more. There is more info about the Bills here: 2024 Special Legislative Session ABOUT REPEAT OFFENDERS Here are a few resources if you want to learn more about “competency” and repeat offenders in New Mexico.  Santa Fe New Mexican Op-Ed, “Legislature Must Fix Catch and Release System”Top repeat offenders in Las CrucesLas Cruces Police Chief Story Presenting to Legislature Crime, Courts and Justice Committee about Incompetency and Repeat Offenders GO HERE to easily email the legislators: Thank you for taking action on this for the safety of our community! [...] Read more...
SarahJune 18, 2024Action AlertDear Las Crucens, Although there are many improvements in the newly revised zoning code proposal, it still severely limits how much parking businesses are allowed to have. Will you please submit a written comment about the new code? See below for more information and potential talking points. REVISED Zoning Code Proposal A newly revised version of the Las Cruces development code has been released. Improvements in the new draft include: No longer allowing cannabis dispensaries, bars, restaurants, retail stores, or grocery stores in some of the neighborhood districts (the previous version would have allowed cannabis, bars, etc with no buffer in residential neighborhoods)Added provisions for allowing livestock/animal keeping in the more rural/less dense housing areas (the previous version neglected to allow any livestock keeping at all)Restricting apartment complexes to specific neighborhood districts unless there is a Special Use Permit (the previous version would have allowed apartments in all neighborhoods) However, there continue to be issues with the proposed changes to the parking code. With the way the code is currently written, businesses will not be allowed to have enough parking for their customers. This will be especially problematic for restaurants and bars. For instance, a mid-sized 3000 square foot restaurant could have 100-120 customers with ~20 staff, yet they’d only be allowed 15 parking spaces, which would not even be enough for their employees. NOTE: City Council is having a work session about this new proposed zoning code on Monday June 24 at 1pm. PLEASE SUBMIT A COMMENT TO THE CITY Please submit comments here : CLICK to leave a comment at the City website Scroll down if you need more info or potential talking points. Please be respectful in your communications for the maximum positive impact. Make sure to Click on the box that says “3 Zoning Regulations” and then you will be able to make your comment. NOTE: The comment form only allows short comments. Feel free to LEAVE MULTIPLE COMMENTS in order to make your voice heard. DOWNLOAD Redline Version of Updated Proposed Code There will now be a cap on how large parking lots can be at businesses. (Existing businesses would be grandfathered in.)The required minimum number of parking places has been reduced for many types of businesses.Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is 20 or less, no more than 50% over the minimum of parking spaces will be allowed.Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is over 20, no more than 10% over the minimum of parking spaces is allowed (unless there is a parking demand study and approval up to 50% additional parking by the Community Development Director).If you want to see what minimum parking is allowed for different types of businesses in more detail, click the Blue button above to download the draft code and look at pages 196-204. POTENTIAL TALKING POINTS Here are some potential talking points about the updated proposed Zoning code. Please do NOT copy-paste these verbatim. Your communications will be most effective if you add in your own words as well. Please be respectful to make the most positive impact. Thank you for listening to the community’s concerns by ensuring we will not have retail, restaurants, bars, and cannabis in some neighborhood zones. Please do not add in a parking lot size cap. Businesses need to have the flexibility to determine their own parking needs. As written, the maximums imposed for parking will make it impossible for restaurants and other businesses to operate sustainably. 1 [...] Read more...
Rob WoodMay 26, 2024Sound-OffIt just blows my mind how many professed Christians have never taken the time to read the book Christianity is based on. Over and over I have asked for the Biblical passages that support the physical Church offering anything about politics. To me it is obvious that if they have to have their pastor speak on voting with regards to morality the congregants should go home and read the book so time is not wasted doing their homework for them.In the letters section of the WSJ 24/05/2024: The Bible According to Trump Franklin Graham’s (son of Billy Graham) support for the Donald Trump-endorsed Bible is nothing short of blasphemy (“Evangelist Confronts Politics in Religion,” U.S. News, May 13). The inclusion of U.S. founding documents lends itself to the exaggerated charges of Christian nationalism now leveled by progressives. The appearance of adding non-canonical books to scripture cheapens the sanctity of the entire text. REV. MICHAEL P. ORSI Naples, Fla. Having at one time worked with the Billy Graham Crusade and now reading over the handbook we used for evangelism I found this thinking to be totally out of line with Franklin Grahams fathers. No where in any of Paul’s letters to all the first Churches is political involvement or nationalistic viewpoint supported or suggested. This idea of Christian nationalism is an absolute distortion of the Truth as found in The Word Of God. There is no such thing as a Christian nation offered in the New Testament especially in light of one thinking God will save America. Any Christian should already know this. Rob [...] Read more...
Rob WoodMay 14, 2024Sound-OffI sent the following to School Board Member Ed Frank.Good Morning Ed,My youngest brother is the manager of world wide sales for IBM’s Quantum Computer. He sits with many PhD’s and it is not uncommon for the talks to turn to the lack of American scientists and computer engineers needed to advance the technology of today. I sent him the following which as a school board member I hope you might also take to heart and share with others. The Board can crunch untold volumes of funding numbers but in the end the question still remains. “Are we preparing our children to be able to prosper in their lives and at the same time add value to the nation as a whole?” Attn: Kenneth WoodI hope you can find the time to think about what I am writing here for understanding the quandary we are in and you as an industry leader are facing.The following is out of the 48 page report “A Nation At Risk” written in 1982. I encourage anyone with the slightest interest in preparation of children and regaining the lead America once held read it because this quote from it is far more sobering today than it was 42 years ago: If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in student achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we have dismantled essential support systems which helped make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament. From page 11 of “A Nation At Risk” Indicators of the Risk The educational dimensions of the risk before us have been amply documented in testimony received by the Commission. For example:  x International comparisons of student achievement, completed a decade ago, reveal that on 19 academic tests American students were never first or second and, in comparison with other industrialized nations, were last seven times. x Some 23 million American adults are functionally illiterate by the simplest tests of everyday reading, writing, and comprehension.   x About 13 percent of all 17-year-olds in the United States can be considered functionally illiterate. Functional illiteracy among minority youth may run as high as 40 percent. x Average achievement of high school students on most standardized tests is now lower than 26 years ago when Sputnik was launched.   x Over half the population of gifted students do not match their tested ability with comparable achievement in school.  x The College Board’s Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) demonstrate a virtually unbroken decline from 1963 to 1980. Average verbal scores fell over 50 points and average mathematics scores dropped nearly 40 points.   x College Board achievement tests also reveal consistent declines in recent years in such subjects as physics and English.  x Both the number and proportion of students demonstrating superior achievement on the SATs (i.e., those with scores of 650 or higher) have also dramatically declined.   x Many 17-year-olds do not possess the “higher order” intellectual skills we should expect of them. Nearly 40 percent cannot draw inferences from written material; only one-fifth can write a persuasive essay; and only one-third can solve a mathematics problem requiring several steps.   x There was a steady decline in science achievement scores of U.S. 17-year-olds as measured by national assessments of science in 1969, 1973, and 1977.  x Between 1975 and 1980, remedial mathematics courses in public 4-year colleges increased by 72 percent and now constitute one-quarter of all mathematics courses taught in those institutions.   x Average tested achievement of students graduating from college is also lower.   x Business and military leaders complain that they are required to spend millions of dollars on costly remedial education and training programs in such basic skills as reading, writing, spelling, and computation.  The Department of the Navy, for example, reported to the Commission that one-quarter of its recent recruits cannot read at the ninth grade level, the minimum needed simply to understand written safety instructions. Without remedial work they cannot even begin, much less complete, the sophisticated training essential in much of the modern military. These deficiencies come at a time when the demand for highly skilled workers in new fields is accelerating rapidly. For example: x Computers and computer-controlled equipment are penetrating every aspect of our lives–homes, factories, and offices. x One estimate indicates that by the turn of the century millions of jobs will involve laser technology and robotics. x Technology is radically transforming a host of other occupations. They include health care, medical science, energy production, food processing, construction, and the building, repair, and maintenance of sophisticated scientific, educational, military, and industrial equipment. Oh sure we can look at our own kids and say they are doing ok but the nation at large absolutely isn’t. This is where the book I sent you “Thank You For Being Late” comes in. The covid shutdown of schools was the most glaring example how far education has slipped behind. The educational system could not figure out how to implement technology developed in 1970, the personal computer. This tech has been left out because it threatens the teachers up front of a class who have no idea how to integrate it anywhere near the level its capabilities provide. There is no other reason. From what I am reading those covid chrome books were shelved back in the coat closet as teachers once again took control. I wrote the following to the New York Times back in 2017: Why do we keep kicking this dog down the road? If anything homework needs to be done at school where the learning facilitator can help the students in the process. Quit trying to change education while at the same time trying to maintain the 150-year-old “does not work anymore” model just so we do not disrupt teacher jobs. A must read is Sal Khan’s “The One World Schoolhouse, Education Reimagined”. The ultimate of frustration is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. This is where Clayton Christensen’s writing in 2007, “Disrupting Class” and his co-author, Michael Horn’s book in 2022, “From Reopen to Reinvent” should be coming to the forefront of any discussion on what to do next. The paradigm shift at this late stage of the game has no other choice than to majorly affect entrenched societal norms like public education being the free daycare for all and even the 8-5 work/school day.I hope this is being discussed at IBM.Rob  [...] Read more...
WebservantApril 21, 2024Education / Knowledge BoxDear Las Cruces area parents, Many parents are unaware of some important issues and policies affecting students in Las Cruces schools including: New state laws that allow children of any age to access abortion and transgender healthcare without parental consent or notification (Reference: HB7 Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Care) o  These laws also impose fines of $5,000 on school nurses or teachers who do not facilitate access to this healthcare Transgender affirmation in Las Cruces schools (Reference: LCPS Regulation JBD – Gender Inclusive Schools) o  Biologically-male transgender students are allowed to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms o  Transgender students are allowed to participate in sports in their chosen gender identity, thereby potentially displacing girls by requiring them to compete with biological boys who are naturally stronger and faster o  “Comfort closets” at several schools are being used by students to change their gender appearance at school Age-inappropriate sexually explicit books in school libraries o  Adult “erotic romance” books are listed in LCPS middle and high school library catalogs o  Such books contain graphic descriptions of sex acts, anal sex, and bondage, including illegal sex acts between adults and minors o  Three examples are Jack of Hearts and Other Parts book in Mayfield High School library. Push book at Organ Mountain High School, and Court of Silver Flames book listed in Sierra Middle School and 3 high school libraries We have a working group of concerned citizens and parents who are working to increase parent awareness of these issues and push for improvements in LCPS policies.  Three questions for you: 1.  Would you be interested in attending a parents’ forum where you can learn more about these issues in LCPS? If so, which of the following are best for availability?  Weekday evening or Saturday afternoonCurrent semester, summer, or next semester 2.  Do you want to receive updates about these issues? 3.  Are you potentially interested in getting involved in these efforts?  Thanks for your time. Feel free to share this with other parents who may be interested. Please let me know if you want to be removed from this email list.  Sincerely,Sarah Smith Las Cruces, NM [...] Read more...
SarahMarch 29, 2024Action AlertDear Las Crucens, The City is updating their Zoning code and this could potentially impact ALL people living and working in Las Cruces. The City is accepting comments on the draft of the new code until April 5th. UPDATE: The City is still accepting comments as of April 25. Will you please submit a written comment about the new code? See below for more information and potential talking points. Updated Zoning Code This 9-minute video explains the changes in the new proposed Zoning code: IMPORTANT UPDATES: The City has confirmed that the new proposed code will REMOVE the 300-foot buffer requirement between cannabis dispensaries and homes.There is currently no mention in the code of what areas will allow livestock. They have completely removed the zoning that previously allowed for livestock in certain areas. Please submit comments here: Scroll down if you need more info or potential talking points. Please be respectful in your communications for the maximum positive impact. Make sure to Click on the box that says “3 Zoning Regulations” and then you will be able to make your comment. NOTE: The comment form only allows short comments. Feel free to LEAVE MULTIPLE COMMENTS in order to make your voice heard. More Info About the Zoning Changes Download proposed Zoning Code Download proposed Zoning Map The proposed new Zoning code for Las Cruces includes some significant changes. There will no longer be single-family residential zoning in Las Cruces.In general, existing residential areas will be re-zoned to Neighborhood Districts (NH1, NH2, or NH3), which will all allow for a mixture of single family homes, duplexes, apartments, and mobile homes. See the map below that shows the proposed zoning for each area of Las Cruces. All neighborhood districts (NH1, NH2, and NH3) will allow some types of businesses to be present as well as schools, city facilities, museums, andprofessional offices (allowed in NH2 and NH3, special-use-permit required for NH1)medical clinics (NH2 and NH3)hotels (NH2 and NH3)banks (NH2 and NH3)grocery/retail stores/restaurants (allowed in NH2 and NH3, special-use-permit required for NH1). Gas pumps are allowed in neighborhood district NH3. Special-use-permit required for gas pumps in NH2 and NH3.Liquor stores are allowed in neighborhood district NH3.Bars are allowed in neighborhood districts NH2 and NH3. Special-use-permit required for NH1. Cannabis dispensaries are allowed in ALL neighborhood districts (NH1, NH2, and NH3). Cannabis indoor agriculture is allowed in NH3, but special use permits would be required for NH1 and NH2.The new code will REMOVE the 300-foot buffer requirement between cannabis businesses and homes. There will now be a cap on how large parking lots can be at businesses. (Existing businesses would be grandfathered in.)The required minimum number of parking places has been reduced for many types of businesses.Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is 20 or less, no more than 50% over the minimum of parking spaces will be allowed.Where the minimum allowed parking spaces is over 20, no more than 10% over the minimum of parking spaces is allowed (unless there is a parking demand study and approval up to 50% additional parking by the Community Development Director).If you want to see what minimum parking is allowed for different types of businesses in more detail, download the draft code above and look at pages 194-202.There is currently no mention in the code of what areas will allow livestock. They have completely removed the zoning that previously allowed for livestock in certain areas. Potential Talking Points Here are some potential talking points about the new Zoning code. Please do NOT copy-paste these verbatim. Your communications will be most effective if you add in your own words as well. Please be respectful to make the most positive impact. The new code removes single family residential zoning altogether. This is wrong. There are many people and families who want to live in neighborhoods with only homes (with no businesses, apartments, etc). There need to be some areas of town that maintain the ability to have homes only, without businesses, apartments, etc. Cannabis needs to have at least the same restrictions as liquor. Please make the cannabis dispensary zoning restrictions consistent with those for liquor by not allowing dispensaries in Zone NH1. The new Code allows bars in neighborhood zones NH2 and NH3, as well as NH1 with a special use permit. Families need to have the option to live in neighborhoods without bars. Please do not add in a parking lot size cap. Businesses need to have the flexibility to determine their own parking needs. 2 [...] Read more...


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